Offering Hope

Come Away with MeOffering Hope – Be Encouraged

by Hope Reeder

And there is hope for your future, says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:17

(Part 1 of 3)

Many are hopeless these days for one reason or many. You are not alone. I believe the Lord wants to bring encouragement to you. He wants to bring hope to your circumstances. This is my way of encouragement to you as truly the Lord Himself has brought me hope over and over in my lifetime. Please be encouraged to over and over again refer back to these pages anytime. Bring hope into your life by speaking these out loud and you will release hope into the atmosphere where you are!

You are going to make it! In fact, you are going to go beyond normal limits!

I love you, Hope

You will see Me and find Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will release you from captivity… Jeremiah 29:13-14

Offering Hope – Speak these out loud!…

I will be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until i get there.

Though no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.

I will never give up for that is just the time and place the tide will turn.

If I have inside of me the stuff to make cocoons, then maybe the stuff to make butterflies is there, too.

To be upset over what I don’t have is to waste what I do have.

I hang onto my humor. I Don’t ask for permission, I just do it. I make everything fun!

Today I will seek out things that are fun to do.

I am curious, eager to try new things.

I experience and express my emotions freely.

I am creative and innovative

I rest when my body tells me to.

I learn enthusiastically.

This is a new and wonderful day for me; there will never be another day like this one

Whenever my attention wanders away from that which is good and constructive, I immediately bring it back to the contemplation of that which is lovely and of good report.

I am going to be a wonderful success in all my undertakings today.

I am definitely going to be happy all day long!

I am not afraid of life. I believe that life is worth living, and my belief helps create the fact.

Either I find a way, or I will make one.

It doesn’t matter what the disease is. There is always room for hope. I am not going to die one of the statistics.

The question I ask myself is not if I should heal but how I should heal.

I will not wait to have a good day. I will make one.

I move beyond my old limitations and allow myself to express freely and creatively.

Life is about change, and I adapt easily to the new

I forgive myself and others, release the past and move forward with love in my heart.

I love and approve of myself, am at peace with my own feelings and stand tall and free.

If I can endure for this minute whatever is happening to me No matter how heavy my heart is or how dark the moment might be…If I can but keep on believing what I know in my heart to be true, That darkness will fade with morning and that this will pass away, too…Then nothing can ever disturb me or fill me with uncertain fear, For as sure as night brings dawning, my morning is bound to appear…

I will persist until I succeed

I can go the extra mile today

I will dwell on the positive affirmations and things in my life, and they will become my aspiration.

My free time can be used creatively, inventively, and imaginatively. I do not need to use it for routine habits, which are unimportant and unhealthy.

I will be patient in steadily working toward my goal, remembering that all good comes in time.

I will hold on. I will be brave. I am almost there. I will never give up.

Walking away from something that is bad for me is not quitting!

I have learned to treat myself gently because with a few exceptions, I am doing my best.

I will not feel guilty for caring for myself.

I will not be hard on myself today.

I will not be embarrassed by my pain. I will go through it with dignity. It will enhance me.

I am grateful for who I am.

I will accept my pain when it is present. I will NOT anticipate it.

I will be more understanding of the needs of others when I am able to care for my own.

I will resist anything that takes me off the chosen path of recovery.

Loving life increases my energy and passions.

When I am in trouble, dwelling on it doesn’t really help. I can feel sad, I can grieve, but eventually I have to move on.

Time does heal, and when I am going through a difficult patch I will remember I don’t want to make it any worse.

When I put force and energy behind something, the results are powerful.

If I break my habits and shake up my day a bit, I will gain new impressions and understanding.

The more things I plan to do the more energy I will have.

I am in charge. I am responsible for the direction of my boat.

I will forgive in order to move forward.

No one can make me a victim unless I allow them to.

Anger hurts more than the person I feel rage toward. I will let go and move on. Life is too valuable to get stuck.

I am naturally beautiful when I am myself.

All that we are is a result of what we have thought.

I will not let others interfere with my steady resolve to live a full, useful and productive day.

Focusing on the present moment will make me less anxious

I am meant to be very different from everyone else. This releases the burden of feeling like I have to be someone other than me.

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. It is a clean slate. I will begin it totally refreshed and just live it.

I carry within me all the essentials of a happy existence.

My task is to do the best I can which is enough!

I gain energy from doing those things I choose to do rather than what I feel I have to do.

When I put my time to good use, I value myself and feel good.

If I expect recovery to be easy, I will become frustrated. The easy stuff doesn’t teach us much what is difficult and challenging enhances my growth

I will be proud of my strengths and nurture them.

No one else can blame me and make me feel wrong unless I accept the accusations and choose to feel the guilt.

What I do today may have a profound impact on my life tomorrow. I will be the best person I can be today.

A quiet and pleased mind absorbs beauty and grace naturally. I will relax, be calm and therefore be content.

When I do a good job in whatever challenges there are, I am living

It is comforting to know I have all the necessary muscle to cope when faced with really difficult times.

Whenever I face a hardship, feel anxious, nervous, and sad, I will embrace my pain and agony. I know I can learn from my misery and pain and share the knowledge with others.

I will surround myself with people who are affirming and encouraging.

I will choose what is really important to me before I run out of time.

Remaining optimistic will help me experience joy.

I will go about my life doing what I believe is right and hold fast to my beliefs.

I appreciate and am grateful for all the help I get along the way as I try to stay on course.

I choose to make the best of what I have, I am brave, I will survive.

I have faith in family friends and myself. I have faith in this world.

I have faith in my process of recovery.

I will look for the beauty in every problem I have to solve.

Thoughts provoke action. I will think healthy thoughts to provoke healthier actions.

When I am faced with a difficult time, I will get through it better by focusing on what I hope to accomplish. I will be strong, do what I have to do and move forward.

I do the very best I know how, the very best I can.

Where ever I am I will do my best and that is all I will ever expect of myself

I will live my life in the way I want to be remembered.

I will surround myself with trustworthy people and put my trust in them.

When I am required to exhibit strength, it comes.

Negative thoughts will NEVER help; they will ALWAYS hurt me.

I am not in control of others, but I am in control of myself.

When I am content to simply be myself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect me.

I will never please everyone and that’s okay.

I will not listen to anyone who tells me what I can’t do.

I am proud of myself for all I have accomplished no matter how small or great.

I regret nothing, because I am and do the best I can.

I will not let the lessons or experiences of the past dampen my enthusiasm for new beginnings.

I will only go where my heart leads.

I will trust my soul-it knows the way.

I will see myself doing all the things I would like to do. I will take the time to use my creative power of visualization to create the life I would like. Above all I will take the time to see myself being happy.

I will trust, honor, and respect the process of change.

I can listen to my needs.

Taking time to honor the needs of my body is taking time to respect the needs of my soul.

I can get out of my rut and discover what interests me.

I will do what I need to break through my resistance.

See how powerful I am!

I will seek out people who empower me. And during those times when they are not around, I will know that I can empower myself.

When I look back at my past I will look tenderly and gently at all I have been through. I will be proud of my accomplishments and how far I have come.

One step at a time. That is how I will get where I am going.

I will take the time to honor and express my dreams

I am free to redefine and help create the life I choose.

I am free to see life in a new way.

I can open myself to the hopes and dreams of today

I am ready to heal my heart. I am deserving of this.

I am powerful now and powerfully connected to myself.

There is a purpose and value to each day of my life. I will nurture my times of action of creating of doing and value my quieter times of going within.

I have all the guidance, energy, ideas, creativity, power and ability to do all I am meant to do. I will be given the power to enjoy it.

I will make each moment count today.

Give yourself some relief. Take the pressure off.

Today I take time to inhale peace and exhale fear.

Facing and feeling my fears will empower me to move on.

I am doing better than I think.

Reward yourself often. When you accomplish a particular task. When you have gone through a grueling part of your healing process. Reward yourself during the frustrating times just for being patient. Sometimes, reward yourself for just being you.

Many things are possible if I accept the fastest way is one step at a time.

When I feel too much stress, I will give myself a break and let my body start soaking up some healing energy.

I will not let expectations distort my experience.

I believe I deserve love.

I am not afraid of making mistakes.

I can embrace the mystery and magic of myself

I can stop punishing myself with fear.

I will not allow the fear of “what if” to ruin the joy of “what is”.

I can let go of the need to prove myself to others.

I will be gentle with myself when I get stuck.

I do not need to be paranoid and have to think every event means something.

I trust the timing of my lessons.

Self-Love is my birthright.

Every choice I make will teach me something and whenever I learn something there is success, not failure.

I am making the healthiest, most loving choices. I am capable of making at this very moment

I can weather the storms and let them pass.

I can let go of shame.

I can recognize the desire in my heart to recover.

I am grateful to the people who are helping me heal, grow and move along my path.

I am free to be all I can be.

I deserve to recover.

Sometimes I need to spin our wheels. It helps me get unstuck.

I can allow myself to heal. I can find new messages that empower me with love, messages that set me free.

No matter what I am going through, my soul can be at peace.

Maybe I am where I am today for a reason other than I thought. Maybe the first thing to do is cleanse the past and heal my heart.

I have the power to create joy by choosing what feels good for me.

I will be gentle with myself. I am not alone in my problem, my powerlessness, or my search for solution.

I can learn to embrace change.

I will let myself receive the healing I need.

For now I will trust and experience what I am going through. I know that this time of change is sacred.

I will let my choices come from my heart.

I trust that the waiting part of change is necessary. I trust my desire for change is the beginning of change. I trust that each moment I am moving closer to the change I desire.

We will be given the power to do all we need to do. Take the simple steps that lie before you. Take one step at a time. You will find the way again.

I will not try to complicate things or try to figure it all out. The answer is simple. I will look into my heart.

I will reduce as much toxicity in my environment and in myself as I can.

I will embrace the changes taking place in me now. They are good.

I will be clear and forthright about what I need and want.

I have faith that where ever I am going is important and wonderful

I can use the potent, creative power of visualization to create pictures of all the good I would like to see in my life.

I will not allow my dis-ease to control or manipulate me.

I will nurture myself through each stage of recovery.

IF I feel an emotion-an old, stuck, hardened chunk of emotion or a new one that has arisen along the way, I can release it and the belief attached to it.

How overwhelmed we feel when we anticipate the future, all that needs doing, all the tasks, the work, the potential problems, the responsibilities. I will stay in the present moment, and the past and future will fall naturally and easily into place.

All the wonders I seek are within myself.

I am the first person who needs to like me.

I can become the person I want to be

I make the world more special just by being in it.

I believe life is worth living

I can sit down in a quiet place and get in touch with myself.

I will make an effort everyday to feel good about who I am and what I can be.

Today I will work on improving my abilities rather than my disabilities.

I run my own life.

I am okay.

I can live in peace at a time of stress.

I cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts.

I can move away from self-defeating habits.

I have choices. I can choose new responses to old situations. I can learn to recognize my true needs and choose positive ways of satisfying them. I can choose recovery-NOW!

I will aim to follow my meal plan and let life happen.

Understanding and respecting my limits, I can learn to say no to what might jeopardize my serenity and well being.

I need care and attention. I am responsible for seeing that this need is met.

I will give myself the care and attention I need.

The beginning I make today is never insignificant or unimportant. It is the foundation of my future.

I now have the opportunity to pursue my desires until I discover what brings me happiness.

Freedom from my eating disorder clears away the depression and inertia that prevents me from identifying and going after my deepest hearts desire.

I am free to do and enjoy the good things that come my way, and I am equipped to deal with inevitable problems.

If I begin to get bored with the mechanics of my program, such as food plans, I need to remember what it was like before.

I am grateful to wake up in the morning alive and alert, free of the after affects of a binge. I am grateful to go through the day ready for work, play, problems, and challenges. I remember what it was like before (in the midst of the ed). I do not want to go back to that place.

I grow by doing what’s hard to do.

I will accept today’s challenges to grow.

I no longer need to spend large blocks of time obsessing.

I have the wisdom to know how I want to spend my time and energy today.

I cannot control or change others, but I can change myself.

Today I can take a small risk in the interest of enriching my life.

I will determine my priorities today to avoid confusion.

I can choose to have a daily reprieve from self-destructive behavior.

I will seek progress, not progression.

If I let myself down by slipping back into old habits, I can gently correct my course without feeling that I have failed.

Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small

Today, I will seek renewed supply of serenity, courage and wisdom.

I have much to give. I can be loved and accepted according to how well I give of myself, not for how much

Whatever my weight today, I am a worthwhile person with valuable contributions to make to those around me.

Once I have made my food plan for the day, I can put that issue to rest and think about love, work, play, hobbies, and other people. I can be more patient with my recovery today.

I am not finished growing, changing and evolving.

I like myself today. I am aware of possibilities for improvement, but I don’t want to be anyone else. I am comfortable and accepting of who I am. I can forgive my mistakes and move on to try again.

Today I am glad to be ME!

Positive or negative… the choice is mine!

My actions today will build good memories for tomorrow.

It is often easier to know what to do than to do it. Today I will do those things that strengthen my recovery.

I cannot see the outcome of the journey, but I can take the next step

I have the will, strength and desire to continue working on recovery.

God loves you and I love you, Hope

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